Bus Patrol, Stopfinder, and Wayfinder make debut with Salem Public School 2024-25 school year, AAA Northeast supportive of safety initiatives
City of Salem invests in safety related initiatives as the new school year begins
SALEM (Sept. 17, 2024) — In an effort to make certain students arrive safely to and from school, Mayor Dominick Pangallo and the City of Salem are proud to announce that Salem Public Schools have launched three safety initiatives with the start of the 2024-25 academic year.
In coordination with NRT Bus, the Salem Public School’s schoolbus service provider, the SPS Department of Transportation has initiated Stopfinder, an app which allows parents and caregivers to track their child’s bus; Wayfinder, a navigation app and student ridership pass to confirm boarding and departing the bus; and BusPatrol, a camera adhered to the driver’s side of a school bus to record oncoming, errant drivers ignoring the bus stop arm, thus endangering students and surrounding drivers.