WATCH: Early Childhood Virtual Expo Town Hall
***Children residing in Salem that are turning 5 years old on or before August 31 are eligible to start kindergarten in the fall of 2025***
You can find the recordings in the link below:
English – Español – Português
School Facts
Hours 8:30a.m. - 2:35p.m. Number of Staff 121
Total Enrollment 475 Administration Principal: Susan Carmona Vice Principal: Nicole Mateo
- Inclusive Practices
- Monthly School Community Meetings
- Farm to School Initiative
- Workshop Model of Teaching – Math, Reading
and Writing - Center-Based Teaching
- Senior Literacy Volunteer Program
- Additional Enrichment Opportunities:
Civics Education, STEM - Restorative Justice with Suffolk University
- Catapult Tutoring Program for ELA & Math
- Caring School Communities – Social Emotional Curriculum
- Change is Simple Partnership
- New Families Welcoming Program
- Garden Club and Outdoor Classroom
- Partnership with Peabody Essex Museum
- Arts in the Evening
- Salem Sound Coast Watch
- Change is Simple
- UMASS Extension Nutrition Education Program
Where the Magic Happens!
We use our M.A.G.I.C. to:
M: Model Curiosity
A: Act Safely
G: Give and Receive Respect
I: Include Everyone
C: Continue to persevere

Our motto is Where the Magic Happens! Our staff is charged with preparing your child for college and the world. To clearly communicate our expectations as a community, we have developed five values that describe what we believe, how we learn and how we treat one another. These values drive all that we do.

As a student at Witchcraft Heights Elementary School,
I pledge each day to:
M: Model curiosity
A: Act safely
G: Give and Receive Respect
I: Include Everyone
C: Continue to persevere
All students, staff, and guests abide by 3 school wide rules at all times and in all areas to assure that we achieve our values:
- I am safe.
- I am respectful.
- I try my best.